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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Health updates

We reviewed all the test results today with the hematology oncologist and the radiation oncologist.  Both concur....Walt's cancer is in remission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He'll continue to have tests and follow-up appointments every 3 months or so.  Thank you all so much for your support!  He's certainly not out of the woods but it's a milestone we're celebrating.

On another note, I have had my cataract consultation and the surgeon has said I am ready.  I'm certainly willing and able!  The plan is to use special lenses that will correct the astigmatism in both eyes.  He'll repair the left eye first and 2 weeks later the right eye.  I haven't heard from the scheduler yet but hope it's soon.  It's quite possible I'll only need to wear glasses when I read.  I've been wearing glasses since 1963.  Fortunately technology trimmed them from coke bottle bottoms to micro thin layers of some plastic polymer.  So if you have extra prayers on hand, I'd appreciate them.

Next scheduled update in about 3 months.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Susan, that is such WONDERFUL news! Answer to a lot of prayers! Congrats to you and Walt. He's been though A Lot! This is certainly a nice "pay off" for all that he's had to endure. Thanks for sharing this wonderful news! <3 Candy

  2. Happy Dance here! Great news for Walt. Keep me posted on the cataract surgery.

  3. WHoo Hoo! Such great news. I'm going for my consultation in October. We'll be seeing better at the same time.


  4. Susan,
    That is wonderful news!!! Thank God!
    I'll keep you in my prayers too! Imagine being able to see without glasses.... :-)

  5. Wish you well with your eyes!!! Hope all goes well... Awesome news about Walt --whoo hoo!!!

    Best wishes always,

  6. Praise God!!!!! Rejoicing with you and Walt!! Yes, I'll keep you in my prayers for your eyes!!!

  7. This is such great news Susan! Hope things continue to go well with Walt, and with your eye surgery! Wonderful!
